Whilst women are often described as ‘home-makers’, research shows that they could also be called ‘work-makers’ https://www.ccl.org/articles/leading-effectively-articles/7-reasons-want-women-workplace/
The findings showed that more women in the workplace make for a more enjoyable working environment for everyone - regardless of age, industry, company size, seniority, ethnicity and #gender.
The results indicated:
- More job satisfaction
- Better commitment to the organisation
- Increased focus on the work
- Less burnout
- Higher staff retention and loyalty
- Better work/life balance
- Greater opportunities to make a difference
And interestingly, there was also a strong positive response from men on these issues. With organisations trying to work out how to manage their workforce and deal with the mental wellbeing fall-out from the lockdowns and working from home...the answer seems simple - increase the percentage of women in the workforce.
Do you agree with these findings?
