There are many positive outcomes resulting from creating #genderequality in the workplace.
Research from indicates that an equal balance of men and women increases organisational #performance whilst generating a more positive sense of #wellbeing.
Studies also show that companies with over 10% female managers generate over 40% higher sales than those with only 5% female managers.
And if you’re looking for a better understanding of target customers? Perhaps surprisingly, women are shown to wield most of the decision-making power when considering purchasing an item. In developed countries:
- over 70% of daily purchases are made by women 68% of car decisions
- 93% of food purchases 92% of holidays/recreational activities.
However, 91% of women believe business marketing and product design do not meet their needs. It doesn’t take much to join the dots…. by including female insights in shaping product/service design and the associated marketing approach - sales will increase.
So the message to organisations struggling to achieve sales targets?...just ask a woman!