Even when organisations know how to collect and analyse diversity data, pinpoint the areas of focus and disclose their data, it does not automatically mean they found the holy grail for #behavioralchange
Although data disclosure in the field of #diversityequityandinclusion can be a powerful tool, data disclosure alone will probably not lead to meaningful change.
According to this Harvard Business Review article, organisations should keep the following insights in mind to make the best use of their diversity data:
➡️ Present it in an easy-to-understand, comparable way that is relevant to its intended audience
➡️ Leverage it to empower the right people to act
➡️ Use it to set goals that mobilize the motivation as well as the effort and strategies to change behavior
➡️ Leverage it to shift social norms around DE&I
Achieving DE&I objectives requires the same planning, feedback and accountability processes to reach targets in other domains. Therefore organisations need a structured approach towards #diversity data. This approach should include actionable insights and by using their diversity data in the best way, it also leads to accountability in DE&I.
What's your take on this?