The vast majority of business leaders have said that increasing #diversityandinclusion is a top priority. D&I has proven to enhance profits, create a more engaged workforce, spur #innovation and is beneficial in many ways.
But how can organisations progress their D&I strategy when crucial data is lacking? How can they work on a plan if they aren’t sure what to measure or why they should be measuring anything?
We all know that it is data that tells leaders what is working and where they need to focus on. Learning how to collect and understand D&I data is a critical part, since what’s the point in collecting data unless it is properly analysed and the results give leaders the power to act. In other words, unbiased robust data is what D&I leaders need!
Organisations that have moved toward advanced diversity functions are collecting and analyzing a broad array of data that extend beyond #gender and #ethnicity numbers. These are the companies that understand the #businesscase for D&I and can prove it by measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of their D&I initiatives.
Does your organisation know how to measure D&I successes and pinpoint the areas of focus? Or are they still on a quest for collecting meaningful actionable D&I data?